Estimated Delivery Time - International
DHL offers international shipping services with varying delivery times, depending on the destination and the service chosen. Here is a general estimate of delivery times for shipments from Romania:
To the European Union:
Express Service: Delivery within 1-2 business days to major European destinations.
To the Rest of the World:
Express Worldwide Service: Delivery within 2-4 business days to most international destinations.
Please note that these delivery times are estimates and may vary depending on the exact destination location, customs procedures, and other logistical factors.
During the holiday season, DHL Express operates on an adjusted schedule, which may impact delivery times for international shipments from Romania to the European Union and the rest of the world.
Holiday Schedule 2024-2025:
December 24-26, 2024: Holidays; no pickups or deliveries.
December 31, 2024 - January 2, 2025: Holidays; no pickups or deliveries.
December 27-30, 2024 and January 3, 2025: Normal operating schedule; shipments picked up on these days will be processed according to standard delivery times.
Estimated Delivery Times Based on Pickup Day:
Shipments picked up on December 23, 2024:
Processed starting December 27, 2024.
Estimated delivery: 1-2 business days for the European Union, 2-4 business days for the rest of the world.
Shipments picked up on December 30, 2024:
Processed starting January 3, 2025.
Estimated delivery: 1-2 business days for the European Union, 2-4 business days for the rest of the world.
To avoid delays caused by increased shipment volumes and non-working days, it is advisable to place orders and hand over shipments as early as possible before the holiday period.